Assessment 4: Descriptive Essay (30%)Due Date: Week 11•

Assessment 4: Descriptive Essay (30%)
Due Date: Week 11
• Word Count: 1100-1300
This assessment is about the power of collective action of SOCIAL MOVEMENTS as agents of positive social change in an Australian context.
Define the purpose of Social Movements and identify the four (4) types of Social Movements as outlined by Aberle (1966) and then explain the four stages of Social Movements in relation to ONE of the following Australian Social Movements:
• The Women’s Movement
• The Climate Change Lobby
• Anti-Smoking Campaign
• A minimum of 5 scholarly journal articles are required. Do NOT utilise sources such as and other such web materials as these in no way constitute academic references for the purpose of your assignments. If you rely on such sources for theoretical support, you will be deemed NOT to have met the requirements of the assessment.
• Students are to use APA 7 report format (with subheadings) and referencing, both in-text and reference list, and include excerpts from at least 5 (scholarly) journals and the unit textbook.

Reference no: EM132069492

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