72455 – School of Design and Built EnvironmentPRJM 6010

School of Design and Built Environment
ASSESSMENT 3 – Harvard Case Study (40%)
Due date: As set out in the Unit Outline, submission is via Turnitin (Blackboard).
Word Count: 1500 – 2000 words
Please read these assessment instructions carefully before attempting the assessment!
For this assessment you will be required to review a project management case study (as provided under Assessment 3 in Blackboard), in the context of the relevant organisational behaviour concepts and theories.
• Complete the essay in a Word document and upload to Blackboard via Turnitin.
• At the top of the first page you must have your first and last name, your student number, your email address, and the chosen case study question.
• All source material MUST be acknowledged, and any form of plagiarism will result in the appropriate measures being taken. Do not copy other student’s work or assist by showing your work to others.
• Late submissions will be penalised as per the Curtin Late Assessment Policy in the Unit Outline.
Download the case study, which is available on Blackboard under: Assessments Assessment 3. Please only use the link once, because the university needs to pay each time someone clicks on the link.
You are required to analyse the case study considering the OB theories and concepts discussed in the unit (PRJM6010). Specifically, you are required to address only ONE of the case questions in relation to the case study, provided below:
a. Examine the organisational (macro) factors that have caused issues in the project team. What recommendations/solutions based on your academic research into OB theory would you suggest in addressing these factors in the future?
b. Examine the challenges of leading and working in cross-functional project teams, evident in the case study. Provide your recommendations based on your academic research into OB theory.
You are required to find minimum seven (7) scholarly references from peer-reviewed academic journals that discuss your selected case question. References from other sources such as textbooks, reputable magazines (e.g., The Economist, Harvard Business Review) can be used if you have 7 scholarly references. Websites are not acceptable as a reference, unless it is an online version of a reputable publication (e.g., Forbes magazine). Wikipedia is not acceptable as it has little credibility since anyone can go in and change a Wikipedia page. Like always, all source materials must be acknowledged appropriately.
When responding to case questions, you will need to ensure the following criteria are met:
1) diagnosis & recommended actions are a good fit for the context presented in the case study;
2) diagnosis and recommended action are based on a sound theoretical basis;
3) critical thinking skills are demonstrated; and
4) appropriate academic writing style and referencing are used.
#1 Read the questions carefully…
? What are you being asked to do? Decide? Describe? Analyse? Make recommendations? Use this information; focus your case study reading on highlight key words, characters, & events.
? Start to think about the OB theories and concepts that could be related to the case.
#2 Read the case study carefully…
? Read it from beginning to end to get an overall idea of what is happening.
? Highlight anything you feel is important and related to the problem.
Sometimes the problems are not immediately clear and you may need to read the case several times before you understand fully what is happening. It’s important to understand the CONTEXT of the situation so that you can see how this might influence decisions made and resulting consequences.
#3 Ask questions and be a detective…
? Descriptive questions: Where? What? When? Who?
? Analytical questions: Why? How? What if?
? Evaluative questions: So what? What next?
? Investigate/eliminate what is irrelevant to the situation or appears to not fit the case context.
? Make notes. Analyse and organise the information.
#4 Structure your response; Make sure your answer:
? Is evidence-based (using data from the case); and Is supported by relevant peer-reviewed literature;
? Demonstrates integration, assimilation and synthesis;
? Uses linking words to connect your argument; include a short introduction and conclusion;
? There is no single “right” answer – as long as your arguments are supported through evidence of research and well-crafted by your critical thinking skills, many different points of view are possible.
1. What do you mean by critical thinking?
“Academic work is intended to be ‘scholarly’. This means it should be of a high standard and appropriate to the particular level of study it represents. An important way to demonstrate the quality of your arguments, or evidence in your academic writing is by referring to work by others. The status of this work depends on how authoritative it is. If you are a critical reader, you look for ‘authority’ in the form of references to relevant supporting work, which has been published, in academic journals, or text books.
To find out more about critical thinking, see the Curtin Learning Centre Introduction to Critical Thinking http://studyskills.curtin.edu.au/thinkingmatters/section-2-introduction-to-critical-thinking/
2. What does peer-reviewed source mean?
A peer-reviewed source is one that has been independently evaluated by another qualified academic who will have read it critically to ensure that the material it contains is factually accurate and that the reasoning behind it is logically sound. This is unlike the material which may be found in newspapers, magazines or many online sources, where the content may not have been checked by anyone else, or where the work simply puts forward one person’s opinion.
This library clip will also assist you: What are scholarly journals? – Curtin Library
3. How do I find peer-reviewed journal articles?
The easiest and most straightforward way of finding peer-reviewed literature is using Curtin Library catalogue search with peer-reviewed filter. Go to https://catalogue.curtin.edu.au and type in your search terms (e.g., Self-Leadership). Once the search results appear, on the right hand side column, under Availability click Peer-reviewed articles. Voila!
Google Scholar is another widely used and popular research database. However, use caution, because Google Scholar DOES NOT presently allow you to filter results for only peer-reviewed academic journals. More information about Google Scholar can be found at the Library website http://libguides.library.curtin.edu.au/c.php?g=202422&p=1332806
4. How many peer-reviewed journal articles do I need?
You are required to incorporate a minimum of seven (7) scholarly peer-reviewed articles in your case analysis. References from other sources such as textbooks, reputable magazines (e.g., The Economist, Harvard Business Review) can be used as long as you have seven (7) scholarly references. Websites are not acceptable as a reference, unless it is an online version of a reputable publication (e.g., Forbes magazine). Wikipedia is not acceptable as it has very little credibility since anyone can go in and change a Wikipedia page.
5. What referencing style should I use?
As clarified in the unit outline, this unit uses Chicago reference style. More information here: http://libguides.library.curtin.edu.au/referencing/chicago
6. How will you mark my assessment?
The marking structure for this assessment is attached on the next page for your reference.
7. Do you have other resources to help me out?
Check out the Learning Support Section in Blackboard, this provides access to The Learning Centre (a range of online study skill programs free for all students) as well as a range of resources under Student Support Centre Learning Help.
All Curtin postgraduate students also have access to Studiosity, free online study help. See Blackboard for more details.
8. Can you check my assessment for me before it is due?
Given your lecturer/tutor will be the one marking your work; they are not allowed to review draft assessments prior to submission. But check out the Studiosity resource available via Blackboard.

Assessment 3: PRJM6010 – Project and People
Marking Structure: Harvard Case Study (40% of unit mark)
Conceptual understanding. Problem identification and analysis.
Demonstrates a clear and deep understanding of the major issues presented in the case and also the relevant theories. Offers insightful and thorough analysis of all the problems.
Quality of recommendations and decision criteria
Offers feasible and insightful solutions to all of the problems identified. Makes realistic, applicable and insightful recommendations clearly supported by the facts presented, related research findings, and theories learned.
Consistency in reasoning
Employs consistent reasoning such that there is a clear link between analysis and recommendations.
Referenced sources and formatting
Accurately and precisely integrates conceptual material from supporting references. Uses concepts and terms extensively from related research with appropriate reference formatting.
Writing skills
Writing is free of grammar and spelling errors. Clear and concise presentation of ideas. 10%

Reference no: EM132069492

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