Introduction To Programming Define a function named “coverage” which takes a list of integers as a parameter. This function will then calculate and store the average into a variable named “result”. Finally, the function MUST return the result with 2 decimal places only. For Example, given the following list, [2,6,8,3,4,6], the functio

Introduction To Programming
  • Define a function named “coverage” which takes a list of integers as a parameter. This function will then calculate and store the average into a variable named “result”. Finally, the function MUST return the result with 2 decimal places only. For Example, given the following list, [2,6,8,3,4,6], the function will return 4.83.
  • Define a function named “count character” that accepts a sentence as a parameter and calculate the total number of letters, total number of uppercase letters, total number of lowercase letters, the total number of digits, and the total number of characters that do not letter and not digit.

The function will then return a list of integers representing the total number of letters, number of letters with uppercase and lowercase, number of digits, and any other character besides letters and digits.

Suppose the following input is supplied to the function
“Hell0 WorlD!!! 4567” the function will return a list with the following values
[9, 3, 6, 5, 4]

  • Define a function named “excludeItem” which takes two parameters (item1 & item2) and both are listed. This function will create a separate list named “result” which only includes items found in both lists. The result list should not have duplicate values.

For example, given item1 = [1,2,3,4,2,1] while item2 = [2, 4, 4, 2]. This function will return a result of [2,4]. Note that the output value is unique. The function must be able to accept other parameters as well i.e. list of strings or a mixture of strings and digits.

  • Define a function named “second large” which takes a list of numbers as a parameter. This function will then identify and return the 2nd largest number in the list. The function will return the smallest number if the parameter only contains two numbers. While the function will return the only number if the list contains only a single number. In some odd cases, the function will return -999 if the parameter contains another datatype i.e. string or float in the list.


  1. [1,2,3,4,5,6] returns 5
  2. [6,8,3,4,6] returns 6
  3. [53, 23] return 23
  4. [13] return 13
  5. [12, ‘not number’, 23] return -99220
  • Define a function named “invalid password” which takes a string as a parameter. The function will then check if the supplied string fulfilled the following password criteria:
  1. must-have combination of uppercase and lowercase
  2. must have at least 3 digits
  3. must have at least 2 special characters.
  4. must have at least 10 characters

The function will return a Boolean value i.e. True if all criteria are met or return False otherwise.

Make sure you test your function with every single possible input that may return a False value as well.

Reference no: EM132069492

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