HRM318: Human Capital Measurement Generate insights by analyzing the data provided using appropriate statistical analyses. Your insights should include justifications for the choice of the statistical analyses and descriptions of all significant results. What a

HRM318: Human Capital Measurement
  • Generate insights by analyzing the data provided using appropriate statistical analyses. Your insights should include justifications for the choice of the statistical analyses and descriptions of all significant results.
  1. What are the key factors that predict turnover intentions? Recommend 2 areas of improvement with explanations based on your analysis.
  2. Examine 3 key limitations and their implications in using the company’s method of data collection and the above statistical analyses to provide recommendations for Insight 1.
  3. What are the differences among the functions for these two areas of
    improvement? Recommend function/s for HR to focus on based on your analyses.
  • Discuss the link between human capital to business using Fitz-Enz’s Human Capital to-Enterprise pathway for the affected functions identified previously. For the human capital management level, determine 1 relevant human capital activity obtained in your previous analyses with explanations.
  • Based on the selected human capital activity at the human capital management level, propose 1 measurement or metric for each of the affected functions using the template in Appendix 2 with explanations. Your explanations should include your justification of the scorecard dimensions with their associated human capital activity as well as how the measurements or metrics help the affected functions achieve the objective.
Reference no: EM132069492

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