How well prepared were you to assume the financial responsibilities in your school?

How well prepared were you to assume the financial responsibilities in your school? Should more training be provided? If yes, what type?

How well prepared were you to assume the financial responsibilities in your school?

Budgeting- Use these answers in the paper!
Questions for Structured Interviews with Principal/Assistant Principal/Book Keeper
1.      How well prepared were you to assume the financial responsibilities in your school? Should more training be provided? If yes, what type?
As a novice Principal, I did receive some basic training about how to assume the financial responsibilities in my school via online and several staff development sessions provided by the school district. In addition, there were training guides available to assist with various financial tasks that involved the budget for the fiscal school year.

Yes, more formal training should definitely be provided for Principals. This would allow for more engagement and participation of Principals fully participating in those discussions to be champions of more funds for their schools. It will also provide Principals deeper knowledge and an understanding as to the allocation of funding and resources.

The types of training that I feel should be provided are: analyzing school data to make informed decisions for school allocations, how to maintain federal/state and local grants, how to use the budget software more effectively, and being able to develop a realistic timeline or the entire annual school budget process.

2. How do the PTA (all levels) and Booster (high school only) organizations influence how your non-appropriate funds are spen t?

How do you prioritize the needs of the various student organizations/teams at our schools?

One of the main roles of the PTA is to work with the Principal and identified school organizations such as the School Family Council, to help decide which programs will most benefit the school. By having, the PTA and various community school organizations involvement in analyzing school data, reviewing school budgets can help determine the programs that will most benefit the school and community.

3. Who are the individuals you count on for advice and direction in implementing your appropriated budget from the County? What role does your finance officer/secretary play in decision-making with respect to this budget? How much time do you spend weekly working with your finance secretary?

The individuals to count on for advice and direction for your implementation of the school budget would be first be your designated budget person/team from your school district. In addition to your Executive Director (Direct Supervisor), and School and Family Council.

My finance Officer plays a very important role in regard to the decision making of the school budget. The Finance Officer will have many duties that will ensure the school budget is being well maintain by the District’s standards. Such duties as the following: assist in maintaining records, financial reports and receipts, maintain daily, monthly and yearly transactions, and preparing and processing transactions.

I would allocate at least an hour per week or more on a needed basis with my Financial Officer.

4. How much discretion do you have in spending your appropriated funds? Non- appropriated funds? Can money be move around to purchase what you need for your school? What financial reports do you use when making these types of decisions?
(What do your school system refer to Appropriated Funding vs Non-Appropriate Funding? I have an idea but don’t want to answer without more clarity.

5. Does a principal’s ability to “find money” depend on their experience and/or connections?

Where do you go to get money you do not have, if a need really exists?

A Principals’ ability to “find money” can depend on both experience and their connections. A Principal can begin by reaching out to their Community Resource Coordinator, PTA, Community leaders and other school -based organizations to brainstorm ways to get funding that is needed for the school.

6. What has been your most unpleasant financial experience since accepting the responsibility for school finances in your school?

My most unpleasant experience financial experience has been not being able to do half of what I need to do with the allocated budget for my students, staff, and community. In addition to that, it would have to be completing a preliminary budget allocation for the new school year.

7.  Do you see any major changes in financing schools in the future, e.g. school-based budgeting or corporate sponsorships?
At this point, I do not see any major changes in financing schools. It would be more beneficial to me as a school leader to have school -based funding opposed to Fair Student Funding. Fair student funding proposes many inequities because its mainly based on school enrollment which poses a problem when a school is in a very impoverish and struggling community.

8.  What input do you have in the overall budget process?

The input that I have a s a Principal in the budget process is very limited. Funding has already been allocated to my school from the School District. I am basically reassuring that those funding allocations are being justified. Also, being spent appropriately throughout the school year according to the School Improvement Plan/Budget Plan.

9.  If you could give one piece of advice on school finance to a prospective principal, what would that advice be?

I would greatly advise any Principal to utilize all school data and also their School Improvement Plan /Goals to make decisions regarding to their budgets. By doing this, it will show achievement of goals /objectives and also establish a system that will motivate employees to work harder.


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Reference no: EM132069492

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