God’s judgement through the Davidic Messiah

Kim, M. (2020). God’s judgement through the Davidic Messiah: The Role of the Davidic Messiah in Romans 1:18-4:25. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock. This critique will consist of 5-7 pages and should include a brief summary of the contents

God’s judgement through the Davidic Messiah

Book Critique: This critique will consist of 5-7 pages and should include a brief summary of the contents as well as a critical analysis of the arguments.

Kim, M. (2020). God’s judgement through the Davidic Messiah: The Role of the Davidic Messiah in Romans 1:18-4:25. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock

Book Critique must have the following:
a.     the bibliographic citation for the book;
b.     an opening statement that peak the reader’s interest in the book under review
c.     a section that points to the author’s main intentions;
d.     a section that discusses the author’s ideas and the book’s thesis within a scholarly perspective. This should be a critical analysis of the arguments of the book within the larger scholarly discourse;
e.     if you found errors in the book, point the major ones and explain their significance. Explain whether they detract from the thesis and the arguments made in the book;
f.     state the book’s place within a strand of scholarship and summarize its importance to the discipline;


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